There are certain trends in interior design that seem to ebb and flow with popularity over time. As new methods and materials are discovered, old trends can fall out of favor. As these cycles in trends continue, it can be difficult to know what types of wall finishes are trending. We took some time to go through social media and see what types of wall-finishes people are using now, and which ones are gaining in popularity. We gathered some of the most popular trends for you so you can be prepared for your future clients to ask about them.
Cloth as Wallcovering

Wallcoverings are certainly not a new trend, but it hasn’t really been a popular option for home interiors since the late 1990’s. However, it seems to be making a resurgence and has recently gained in popularity again. As home and business owners try to find more creative ways to decorate spaces, many have turned to the versatility of fabrics as an option.
Fabric has been used as an alternative to wallpaper since people started using it to cover walls. In recent years, more DIY adventurers have been turning to cloth simply because there are an infinite number of designs and colors to choose from, and can often be easier to purchase in bulk. It can be more difficult to install cloth as wallpaper, but there are many informational and how-to videos available to help your installation go smoothly.
Stencil Designs in Plaster

Individuality often drives design, so it’s no surprise that a new trend in plastering has come about: stenciling designs into plaster. People have been seen using stencils to create designs on plaster walls on several social media channels – with mixed results. It can be an easy way to add more dimension to any room, but it does require some preparation and proper tools.
There is a lot of trial and error involved with this method, so make sure you account for testing and drying time when you plan for these jobs. Plaster stencil designs can take more time than expected to fully dry, so testing a sample of the stencil is highly recommended. If you are looking for tips on how to accomplish this trend successfully, you can check out our other blog post here:
Wall Molding

The trend of adding wall molding with plaster is probably one of the oldest plaster trends that exist. It seems to rise and fall in popularity over time, but it never really seems to go away. According to search data, this trend seems to be back on the rise. This trend is probably the least popular on this list – for now, but it is likely the one that requires the most knowledge, experience, and time to execute.
Plaster molding on walls can add depth, dimension, and flare to an ordinary wall. However, this trend is likely not something you can just give a whirl. It requires some time, experience, and patience to master. Wood is sometimes used for molding, but using plaster can allow for more versatile shapes to be designed. It also creates a more seamless finish and offers endless possibilities for design.
3-D Effects
Plaster is a highly versatile material and has a countless number of ways it can be applied. But, this trend actually has you carving or marking designs into the plaster, rather than onto it. There are a large number of 3-D effects that plaster artists can create on walls and ceilings, but the more intricate the design – the more you’ll need an experienced professional’s help.

Wood grain texture, faux bricks, carved & molded designs are all features that can be created in plaster – using the right tools. Creating effects in plaster has a lot of benefits, including the ability to easily change it over time. Check rollers, appliques, and onlays are all popular ways to create additional effects onto the plaster, and all of these finishes are being requested more often. It offers a low-risk way to individualize many spaces, but it can take more time than many other finishes.
Wall Tools offers the largest selection of wall-finishing tools and supplies in the industry. We are dedicated to helping you find the tools you need – quickly. Can’t find something? Our support team is here to help, so don’t hesitate to reach out to us.